Information On How Amen Clinic Greatly Improve Human Brain Capability

By Claudio Johniken

Managing a traumatic brain injury is difficult. I know, because I suffered one. Finding a way that I could work past my new limitations was extraordinarily difficult. That's why I decided to try a new approach and try Amen Clinic. I'd heard a lot about their revolutionary diagnostic techniques, and needed to see what they had to offer.

First off was understanding how they actually diagnose their patients. What was really interesting was the use of SPECT scans to diagnose people. These are unique types of brain scans where they actually look at the living brain.

What I found when I was treated by Amen Clinics was that they took a picture of my entire brain. Some kind of special photon rays or something, that allow them to look inside. Sort of like an X-Ray but with more information and a more in depth process.

The SPECT allowed my doctor to take a look at the blood flow in my brain. That can be important, because in a lot of circumstances it's the reason that trauma can affect you in a negative way. Many things can be factors, but usually blood flow is chief amongst them.

The whole logic behind the brain scan is a better diagnosis. Even for traumatic brain injuries like mine, a lot of doctors try to diagnose based on symptoms. But that's not always enough. That doesn't always paint the full picture of what's happening in your head.

Always remember, as my doctors told me, that despite the more accurate diagnosis, you've still got a long road ahead of you. It's been a really long road for me, and one that's had some difficulties. But I've found the treatments through this clinic to be more effective.

I still had to meet regularly with a psychiatrist to see real results. But there really wasn't whole lot of musical chairs with new drugs. Instead, it was more of a focus on what works for my unique problem. Thanks to the scan the doctor knew what was right straight away.

All in all I'd recommend my experience at Amen Clinics. While they are not revolutionary with their treatment methods, they are with their diagnostic technology. Sometimes that can make all the difference, and in my case it truly did.

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