Health Advantages Of A Spray Tan Airbrush Machine For A Great Look

By Haywood Hunter

Everyone looks the great look of a tan. It brings to mind carefree sunny days on the beach. Yet as all the recent publicity has shown, the tanned look can come with a host of serious health problems. Using a spray tan airbrush machine will get the same great results, but without the dangerous risk of skin cancer.

DHA is a colorless three carbon sugar. It works by adhering to the top layer of the skin where it reacts with other amino acids in the surface cells. This reaction creates the darkening effect of the skin. In essence a healthy and beautiful tan. The fact that only the upper most layers of cells are affected is what makes it safe. The airbrush machine can spray a beautiful tan directly onto the skin.

The advantage of the spray tan airbrush system is that the surface layer of skin cells are shed and replaced regularly. In around thirty to forty days the entire top layers are sloughed off and replaced by new cells. By only interacting with these cells the system is safe. It is the perfect alternative to spending hours in the hot sun.

The spray tan airbrush machines have been highly endorsed by many health organizations. The Skin Cancer Foundation that works tirelessly to raise awareness of the dangers of sun exposure. They are particularly keep to get the message across to young people who do not know the dangers of excessive sun tanning. People are encouraged to wear hats, stay indoors during the afternoon and limit time spent in the sun.

There are so many advantages to using the spray airbrush machine. The are simple to operate and very portable. They run from a typical outlet and are energy efficient. Because they apply such a thin and even coat of tanning solution there is very little need to over spray and the effects are very even.

The spray tanning machines are comprised of an air compressor that is easy to use and very efficient. There is a six foot long hose that is connected to the air brush. This delivers a very even flow of tanning solution to the skin and creates the excellent effect. The machines plug in to a typical outlet and are easy to transport between locations.

Purchasing an airbrush tanning machine is easy. In fact there are many great models to chose from. A customer should set aside some time to look at all the features and discuss their needs with a knowledgeable customer service representative. A good company will be able to answer all their questions and get them set up with a machine that meets all their needs, yet is still affordable and will give years of use.

Future health should always be of paramount concern. Many people are now a lot more aware of the dangers of skin cancer and are willing to take sensible precautions. Staying safe and still having a great tan are easily possible with a spray tan airbrush machine. The DHA is the an FDA approved sunless tanning method that ensures excellent results.

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