Morning running way to lose weight and general health

Morning jogging is often recommended as a means for weight loss and overall health . Running , you can burn calories , " shake " your body , to develop stamina.

The benefits of jogging long debate and discussion. In fact, after sleep the body needs some time to get down to work properly , and running load may be excessive for the not yet " woken up " the body.

To morning run was really useful and enjoyable , it is necessary to observe a number of rules and conditions . First, do not seek to get out for a run immediately after waking up. During the time while you wash and dress the body finally " wake up" and ready to load.

Going out for a jog , you should think about his sports gear. Need to dress comfortably for the weather . If the outside temperature does not exceed 10 ° C with a plus sign , then necessarily need knitted cap that covers the ears . Shoes must also comply with the weather - winter jogging better shod winterized sneakers.

Need to start jogging with a small workout. To warm up, you can walk intensive step , jump , do light stretching , a few squats. Thus you warms the muscles , preparing them for further load.

Actually running to start with the minimum pace and within two or three minutes to bring his pace to the optimum . The intensity of races should choose according to your opportunities and challenges that you set for yourself . If your goal - weight loss, you can use the " ragged " pace, ie alternation of acceleration and quiet pace ( jog) . Each acceleration lasts about 1-2 minutes . To strengthen their immunity and maintain good health , choose jogging at a pace at which you have minimal shortness of breath .

Need to run properly . Feet should be slightly bent at the knees, body weight is distributed on the whole foot , landing from heel to toe . Body tilt is not necessary, and the arms should be bent at an angle of about 120 ° C and does not intersect in front of chest . No need to strain your neck, shoulders, arms or jaw clench .

Extremely important for a morning jog (and not only ) the correct breathing technique . Inhale air should nose, and exhale - mouth. With this breath is a uniform light saturation oxygen. You need to try to do a full inhale and exhale , breathe evenly , not too often. When breathing is " unbearable " , it is time to complete a run - extra torture to anything.

Completing morning jog should gradually . With running , go to step aligning breath. In any case it is impossible to stop or dramatically , especially fall on the grass. For hitches can perform several simple , relaxation exercises .

Duration and " mileage " jogging you need to choose based on your athletic training. Untrained person can not immediately start classes with large long-distance races . In addition, muscle pain and a feeling of " exhaustion " does not add enthusiasm to run regularly. Therefore, you should start with a minimum duration , even if it is just 5 minutes . Gradually increase the duration of jogging for 3-5 minutes each day.

Take a shower after jogging is not only an aesthetic but also from a physiological standpoint . Running, you sweat and together with then leave the body toxins . If this does not wash away the sweat , all these harmful substances reabsorbed into the skin.

Before embarking on a morning jog , make sure that you do not have health problems , where such exercises are contraindicated. Be sure to consult with your doctor whether you jog, if you suffer from disorders of the cardiovascular system , have problems with joints or spine , serious eye problems. It should also suspend the exercise, if you get cold .

Running - wonderful sport and if you follow all safety precautions , then jogging will bring you only benefit and joy !


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