The Need For Disaster Preparedness Kits

By Karina Frost

The month of September is referred to as the National Preparedness Month. During this time, various organizations educate people on crises that can occur. They also inform them about safety measures to take that can at least ensure their survival. Disaster preparedness kits are a collection of items needed if there is an emergency.

It is normal for some disasters to occur in certain places. This determines what should be packed in a kit. It is essential to pack basic needs that normally include water and food to name a few. The food should be easy to make and not liable to spoil. Some people require special medicine or items with them depending on their needs. They should bring such items with them.

These emergency items should be packed in easy to carry kits. They should also be clearly labeled and stored where they are easily accessible. It is important for individuals to regularly check expiration dates on things like food and batteries that are stored in there. This helps ensure the emergency kit works for you and not against you.

Kids should also be involved when planning for an emergency. This enables them to know what to do in case of such an event. They could mark dates on the calendar for checking emergency supplies. They could also prepare kits for pets. Another thing they could do is include what may be needed in the survival kit such as games.

An important step when it comes to preparing for a crisis is planning. This could help you and your loved ones evade a crisis. First of all you should learn about what you are likely to face. This depends on the area you reside in. A plan must be made on how to respond to emergencies likely to happen where you learn and also work.

In case of an evacuation, a family should have discussed a place where they plan to regroup. They should also have knowledge of evacuation routes and shelter locations. It is advisable to practice evacuation at least twice a year. You should have in mind where you would go and the route you would use. Alternative routes to your destination ought to be considered.

You can take it upon yourself to learn basic important skills that might come in handy. You may need to put out a fire or perform first aid on someone. If you own a pet you should also plan for it as its considered as family. You should be able to locate pet-friendly shelter locations along the route you plan to take.

It is near impossible to predict the likelihood of a disaster occurring. However, we can try to be safe by learning how to survive. There is no need of owning a survival kit yet, you cannot use it. This will cause more harm than good. Learning how to use its a priority. Ensure your kit is checked often to make sure it is well assembled and useable. Learn on the possible ways to bring about disasters and take precautions.

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